Ecosystem stakeholders

The success of the Hajime ecosystem relies on its diverse stakeholders, who play crucial roles in the operation and development of the ecosystem.

Computing Power Providers

Hajimebot Owners

These users not only use the personalized AI services provided by Hajimebot at home but also contribute their idle computing power to the Hajime.AI network. Hajimebot offers pre-installed and tested models for local inference, ensuring efficient and secure AI experiences. It is important to note that Hajimebot owners must possess an NFT License as the legitimate entry credential into the Hajime network. This dual role enhances the network's computing power and ensures active participation from home users.

Idle Computing Device Users

Users with idle computing resources (such as GPUs and CPUs) can connect these resources to the Hajime.AI network, thereby earning rewards while contributing computing power.

Cloud Computing Power Providers

Large cloud computing providers contribute their computing resources to the Hajime.AI network, supporting AI startups within the ecosystem and ensuring efficient allocation of computing power.

Computing Power Consumers

AI Startups

These enterprises apply to use the computing power of the Hajime.AI network to meet their AI model training and data processing needs. Through the Hajime Garden platform, these startups can crowdsource the required computing resources, reducing startup costs.

AI Developers

AI developers crowdfunding computing power on the Hajime Garden platform can utilize these resources for project development and gain future returns (such as project tokens or equity) from successful AI projects.

Scientific Research Institutions

Research projects can receive donated computing power through the Hajime Garden platform to support scientific research. Donors of computing power receive NFTs as honorary certificates, recognizing their support for scientific development.

AI Service Users

Since Hajimebot is a household robot that provides various personalized AI services, Hajimebot owners are not only computing power providers but also consumers of AI services. These AI services may be from a one-person seed project that has grown in Hajime Garden or from mature AI companies. Hajimebot's local inference capabilities ensure low latency and high privacy user experiences.

By integrating these stakeholders, the Hajime ecosystem achieves efficient allocation and utilization of computing power, supporting the development of AI startups and research projects while enhancing the AI experience for home users.

Last updated