Verifier Node


The Hajime Verifier Node is a critical component within the Hajime.AI ecosystem, serving as both a guardian and an enabler of the network's integrity and efficiency. These nodes provide a foundational layer of trust and functionality, ensuring that only authenticated and reliable nodes participate in the network. By integrating advanced authentication mechanisms, task allocation algorithms, and resource management protocols, the Hajime Verifier Nodes are designed to uphold the highest standards of security, fairness, and performance

Key module:

Loading the NFT Network License and Authentication:

  • Function: Before starting to work, the verifier node needs to load the NFT Network License and perform authentication on the blockchain. Only authenticated nodes can participate in task allocation and execution within the network.

  • Purpose: Ensures that all nodes participating in the network are certified legitimate nodes, enhancing the security and trustworthiness of the system.

Task Allocation and Execution:

  • Function: The verifier node regularly receives probe tasks from the scheduling server and uses the Weighted Random Selection algorithm for allocation to ensure fairness and maximization of resource utilization.

  • Purpose: Ensures load balancing of each verifier node through even and random task allocation, optimizing resource utilization.

Task Result Verification:

  • Function: After obtaining the Access Token, the verifier node sends probe tasks to computing nodes to obtain the availability status of various functions (such as ASR, LLM, TTS, KB, SD, BLIP, CLIP, etc.). The verifier node records the probe results and calculates the rewards obtained.

  • Purpose: Ensures the accuracy of the functional status and computation results of the computing nodes, improving the reliability and credibility of the network.

Resource Monitoring and Management:

  • Function: The verifier node monitors the available functions of the computing nodes (such as ASR, LLM, TTS, KB, SD, BLIP, CLIP, etc.) and updates their status in real-time. Ensures efficient utilization and rational scheduling of computing resources.

  • Purpose: Optimizes resource allocation and management, enhancing the overall performance and efficiency of the system.

Blacklist Mechanism:

  • Function: The verifier node manages a blacklist mechanism, recording and restricting non-compliant or poorly performing nodes. Nodes that are blacklisted will not be able to participate in network task allocation.

  • Purpose: Ensures that all nodes in the network adhere to the regulations and standards, maintaining the health and security of the system.

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