Schedule Node


Acts as the network's dispatch center, responsible for allocating processing tasks, managing node registration, and maintaining the security and synchronization of the knowledge base

Key module:

The scheduling side of the node is deployed, expanded, and managed quickly and modularly through K8S, with the following main services:

Device Management

Handles the registration, tracking, and management of HajimeBots within the ecosystem. It maintains a registry of active devices, monitors their health and status, and manages their lifecycle from onboarding to decommissioning

Task Distribution

A sophisticated system that dynamically assigns tasks to HajimeBots. This mechanism considers the specific requirements of each task, including the necessary computational resources, and matches them with the capabilities of available HajimeBots, taking into account the current network conditions and device availability

Data Indexing and Management

Directly handles the indexing, updating, and retrieval of vector database information. This module is essential for maintaining an organized and searchable index that can be efficiently used by the network.

Resource Allocation

Essential for managing the available computational resources across the network. This service allocates tasks to HajimeBots based on an optimization of various factors such as computational power, energy efficiency, and network latency, ensuring efficient use of resources

Monitoring And Analysis

Provides real-time monitoring and analytics capabilities for the entire network. This module tracks the performance and efficiency of task execution, monitors the health and status of HajimeBots, and provides insights into operational metrics to optimize the network's performance further.

Messaging queue Management

Acts as a critical backbone for managing communications and task distribution within the Hajime.AI ecosystem. It enables asynchronous message exchange between the Schedule Node and other components, such as HajimeBots and the Verification Node, ensuring efficient and reliable task management across the network.

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