Technical Framework

System Overview

In the Hajime.AI network, the system architecture is designed to enhance the efficiency, security, and scalability of information processing. The core components include:

- Hajimebot : Serves as the network's terminal node, responsible for processing user-uploaded files, building vertical knowledge bases, and participating in P2P knowledge sharing. Additionally, Hajimebot proactively connects to Hajime.AI to offer computing power after being idle for 30 minutes.

- Verifier Node: Responsible for identity verification and behavior auditing of Hajimebots participating in the network, ensuring the legality of network participants and the authenticity of activities.

- Schedule Node: Acts as the network's dispatch center, responsible for allocating processing tasks, managing node registration, and maintaining the security and synchronization of the knowledge base.

- Reward System: The reward measures are mainly divided into computational power rewards and knowledge base sharing rewards.

Onboarding and Verification Process

The onboarding and verification process is a critical component of the Hajime.AI ecosystem, ensuring the secure and authentic integration of HajimeBots into the network. This process leverages the synergy between the Schedule Node, Verification Node, and Solana's smart contracts to authenticate devices, manage their onboarding, and facilitate a seamless exchange of computational resources. The following description outlines the step-by-step interaction among these components, ensuring a transparent and secure mechanism for integrating HajimeBots into the Hajime.AI ecosystem.

Step-by-Step Process Description

  1. Initiation by the User:

    • The process begins when a user initiates the onboarding of their HajimeBot device. This action triggers the HajimeBot to start the verification request process.

  2. HajimeBot Sends Verification Request to Schedule Node:

    • The HajimeBot sends a verification request to the Schedule Node. This request includes essential information about the device, such as its unique identifier and cryptographic proof of authenticity.

  3. MQ Service Processes Request:

    • Within the Schedule Node, the MQ (Message Queue) Service processes the incoming verification request. This internal component acts as a bridge, ensuring that messages are correctly routed between the HajimeBot and the Verification Node.

  4. Forwarding Verification Request to Verification Node:

    • The Schedule Node, via the MQ Service, forwards the verification request to the Verification Node. This step is crucial for validating the device's authenticity against predefined security criteria.

  5. Verification Node Interacts with Smart Contract:

    • The Verification Node interacts with a smart contract deployed on the Solana blockchain. It submits the device's information for verification, leveraging the blockchain's secure and immutable properties.

  6. Smart Contract Returns Verification Result:

    • The smart contract processes the verification request and returns the result to the Verification Node. This result determines whether the HajimeBot meets the necessary security and authenticity standards.

  7. Verification Status Sent to Schedule Node:

    • Upon receiving the verification result, the Verification Node communicates the device's status back to the Schedule Node. This information is crucial for concluding the onboarding process.

  8. MQ Service Notifies HajimeBot:

    • The MQ Service within the Schedule Node plays a pivotal role in notifying the HajimeBot of its verification status. This step completes the communication loop, ensuring the device is aware of its onboarding outcome.

  9. Onboarding Completion or Error Notification:

    • The HajimeBot is finally informed about the completion of its onboarding process or notified of any errors based on the verification status. Successful onboarding allows the HajimeBot to fully integrate into the Hajime.AI ecosystem and contribute computational resources.

This comprehensive onboarding and verification process is designed to uphold the highest standards of security and integrity within the Hajime.AI ecosystem, ensuring that every participating device is authenticated and authorized to join the network.

P2P Knowledge Sharing between Hajimebots

HajimeBot integrates advanced AI functionalities directly at the edge, allowing for secure and efficient computational tasks and knowledge sharing. With a focus on data privacy and security, HajimeBot incorporates a P2P authentication mechanism, enabling secure direct communication between devices. It also features a built-in Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), further enhancing the security of operations, particularly during knowledge sharing and model updates.

Step-by-Step Process Description

  1. Direct P2P Communication Initiation: HajimeBot A initiates a direct communication with HajimeBot B to share knowledge or perform a vector database search. This communication is facilitated through RPC (Remote Procedure Call) and secured with JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for authentication, ensuring secure and direct data exchange.

  2. Knowledge Sharing/Search Response: Upon receiving the request, HajimeBot B processes it either by directly sharing the requested knowledge or by executing a RAG (Retrieve and Generate) operation on its vector database. It then responds to HajimeBot A with the relevant knowledge data or search results.

  3. Notification to Scheduling Node: HajimeBot A notifies the Scheduling Node of the task initiation and completion. This step involves logging the task details for coordination and future reference within the network.

  4. Reward Allocation by Reward System: The Reward System, upon being notified by the Scheduling Node, allocates rewards to both HajimeBot A for initiating the task and HajimeBot B for providing the knowledge or search results. This incentivizes the bots for their active participation and contribution to the network's collective intelligence.

  5. Smart Contract Triggering for Transaction Recording: HajimeBot A triggers a smart contract on the blockchain (e.g., Solana) to record the transaction. This includes the details of the knowledge sharing or search operation between HajimeBot A and HajimeBot B.

  6. Transaction Verification Request: The smart contract requests verification from the Verification Node to ensure the transaction adheres to the network's policies and security standards.

  7. Confirmation of Transaction Legitimacy: Upon verifying the transaction, the Verification Node confirms its legitimacy back to the smart contract, ensuring that the knowledge sharing process is secure and compliant with network protocols.

  8. Logging Confirmed Transaction and Reward Confirmation: The smart contract logs the confirmed transaction, which is then communicated to the Reward System. The Reward System confirms the rewards based on the smart contract, further cementing the incentive mechanism for HajimeBots' participation in knowledge sharing.

This process highlights the innovative integration of decentralized P2P communication and blockchain technology in Hajime.AI's ecosystem. It emphasizes security, scalability, and incentivization, ensuring that knowledge sharing among HajimeBots not only contributes to the collective intelligence of the network but also rewards bots for their contributions, fostering a vibrant and dynamic AI community.

Last updated