
Decentralized AI Edge Device


Hajimebot is a decentralized AI edge device preloaded with various AI models. It functions as an AI agent within the Hajime.AI network, performing AI inference tasks and contributing computational resources to the peer-to-peer ecosystem.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Discovery and Communication

HajimeBots utilize Distributed Hash Table (DHT) technology for P2P discovery and secure communication. This allows them to identify and connect with nearby HajimeBots, forming local networks with authenticated interactions. This setup enables collaborative problem-solving and resource sharing without central servers, enhancing system resilience and scalability through secure and decentralized connections.

HajimeBots Configurations

HajimeBots are versatile and come in three distinct configurations: high, medium, and low, each tailored to different computational needs and equipped with varying AI models.

  • High-Configuration HajimeBots:

    • Primary Use: Designed for the most demanding AI tasks, such as deep natural language processing and intricate image recognition. These bots handle large and complex models like LLaMA-3-70B.

    • Communication Process: Capable of processing multifaceted user inputs and consulting the broader HajimeBot network or cloud resources for additional computational support.

    • Knowledge Sharing: Act as leaders in the network, disseminating acquired knowledge and computational strategies to their peers.

    • Tech Stack: Equipped with high-performance processing units and advanced libraries for comprehensive NLP and image processing.

  • Medium-Configuration HajimeBots:

    • Primary Use: Balances tasks requiring moderate computing power, such as basic dialogues, task automation, and data retrieval. These bots typically run models like LLaMA-3-8B.

    • Communication Process: Efficiently interpret and execute simpler commands, referring complex queries to higher-capacity bots.

    • Knowledge Sharing: Serve as intermediaries, contributing to and benefiting from the collective intelligence of the ecosystem.

    • Tech Stack: Features medium-range CPUs/GPUs and specialized AI models, exemplifying efficiency and adaptability.

  • Low-Configuration HajimeBots:

    • Primary Use: Specializes in communication tasks like voice-to-text conversion, setting reminders, and basic processing activities. These bots typically run small models under 2B parameters.

    • Communication Process: Handles elemental commands and connects to the broader network for additional capabilities.

    • Knowledge Sharing: Frequently tap into the network's resources, embodying the ethos of shared learning and development.

    • Tech Stack: Equipped with small AI models focusing on accessibility and convenience.

Collaborative Intelligence: Central to the Hajime ecosystem is a model of collaborative intelligence, enabling all configurations of HajimeBots to share and leverage a collective repository of knowledge and computational techniques. This model ensures even the simplest bot can exceed its intrinsic capabilities by drawing on the network's collective prowess.

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