
Hajime.AI: A peer-to-peer edge computing inference network, designed to share AI computing power by connecting various GPUs and CPUs in an inclusive infrastructure.

Hajimebot: A decentralized AI edge device preloaded with various AI models, functioning as an AI agent within the Hajime.AI network. Starting with Hajimebot 1st Gen, these devices are provided to consumers and equipped with AI services from different startups, contributing compute power to the Hajime.AI infrastructure.

Hajime Garden: A marketplace for AI services and applications. It also functions as a computing power matching market and a crowdfunding platform similar to Kickstarter. Instead of raising money, AI startups crowdsource computing power. Providers, who are Hajime.AI's main stakeholders, can distribute their computing power to specific AI startups in exchange for potential future rewards, such as tokens from AI projects.

Last but not least, Hajime Garden, in the future will also launch a donation function for computing power providers to support academic science project. Hajime Garden users can provide computing power free of charge to meet the needs of scientific research institutions. Donors of computing power will receive NFTs as honorary certificates for supporting scientific development. *Founders of Hajime has huge respect for BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing)

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